
Case Study Research and Applications


Winner of the 2019 McGuffey Longevity Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA)

Recognized as one of the most cited methodology books in the social sciences, the Sixth Edition of Robert K. Yin's bestselling text provides a complete portal to the world of case study research. With the integration of 11 applications in this edition, the book gives readers access to exemplary case studies drawn from a wide variety of academic and applied fields. Ultimately, Case Study Research and Applications will guide students in the successful use and application of the case study research method.

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Rp. 44.000

Key features


  • Includes 11 in-depth applications that show how researchers have implemented case study methods successfully.
  • Increases reference to relativist and constructivist approaches to case study research, as well as how case studies can be part of mixed methods projects.
  • Places greater emphasis on using plausible rival explanations to bolster case study quality.
  • Discusses synthesizing findings across case studies in a multiple-case study in more detail.
  • Adds an expanded list of 15 fields that have text or texts devoted to case study research.
  • Sharpens discussion of distinguishing research from non-research case studies.
  • The author brings to light at least three remaining gaps to be filled in the future:
  • how rival explanations can become more routinely integrated into all case study research;
  • the difference between case-based and variable-based approaches to designing and analyzing case studies; and
  • the relationship between case study research and qualitative research.


  • Numerous conceptual exercises, illustrative exhibits, vignettes, and a glossary make the book eminently accessible.
  • Boxes throughout offer more in-depth real-world examples of research.
  • Short, sidebar tips help succinctly explain concepts and allow students to check their understanding.
  • Exercises throughout offer students the chance to immediately apply their knowledge.

Penulis: Robert K. Yin - COSMOS Corporation
Ukuran: 16 x 22 cm
Isi: 352 lembar
Terbit: Oktober 2017
ISBN: 9781506336169