
Doing Rapid Qualitative Research


The book uses real world examples to illustrate the benefits and challenges of using rapid qualitative research designs. Focusing on the when, why and how, it explains the difference between cutting corners and making quick, well-informed research choices that support rigorous, credible research.

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Rp. 95.800

If you are working in a time-sensitive context, need to deliver research findings so they can be used to inform decisions, or are finding it difficult to access research funding for long-term qualitative research, this book will help you. Introducing ‘rapid qualitative research’, it demonstrates how you can conduct high quality qualitative research within time, access and resource constraints.

Penulis: Cecilia Vindrola-Padros
Ukuran: 22 x 18 cm
Isi: 200 lembar
Terbit: September 2021
ISBN: 9781526497369